After a lot of confusion and anxiety, we finally have what looks like a good plan in place for Robert. I am flying to Peru again tomorrow (Saturday) and will return to Colorado with Robert on Tuesday if all goes well. Robert will go to the Mapleton Rehabilitation Center in Boulder, which is part of Boulder Community Hospital: This is and excellent rehab facility for brain injury under the direction of a wonderful physician named Julie Stapleton, M.D. Robert will be at the Mapleton Rehab Center for 5 - 7 days for a complete evaluation and rehab program development. Then I will fly up to Bozeman, Montana with Robert where he will live at the Trimurti community headed by my very close friend, Purna Steinitz, who is also a very close friend of Robert's. The Trimurti community ashram is about 15 miles outside of Bozeman and will be an ideal living situation for Robert where he can return to the normal routines of life in a very nurturing and structured setting with wonderful people who all know and love him. I have discussed all this extensively with Robert's doctors in Peru and with Dr. Stapleton and other program directors at the Mapleton Center, and everyone agrees that this is an ideal living arrangement for Robert. Bozeman doesn't have a rehab center with all the services of the Mapleton Center here in Boulder, but there are individual practitioners in the area who provide the same services. With the assistance of the Mapleton Rehab Center here in Boulder, we will put together a team of practitioners that Robert will see in Bozeman on an outpatient basis.
We of course considered having Robert stay in Boulder and go to the Mapleton Center on an outpatient basis, but with our home organized around Denise's hospice care, we couldn't really bring Robert here and while we considered setting up an apartment for Robert in Boulder with dedicated caregivers, the ashram in Boulder will be a much better and safer living situation for him. Robert will also have dedicated companions at the ashram as needed as well as the loving attention of the whole community there. Robert will have his own room at the ashram and be able to work on his art and begin to take on some work responsibilities at the ashram as appropriate. The diet at the ashram is also very healthy, with wonderfully prepared organic food.
The week of evaluation at the Mapleton Rehabilitation Center will be very expensive, but we feel it is really important to get Robert fully evaluated and make sure we get the best resources in place for his recovery and rehabilitation. Once Robert is in Montana, he will apply for Medicaid there, but it may be difficult to get it as Robert is physically able to get around fine.
Robert's mom, Lola, is also very happy with this plan even though it means Robert will be far away. Lola, like all of us, just wants Robert to be in the best possible situation for his recovery. Lola and I cannot begin to express our profound gratitude to everyone who has been so kind and supportive, for everyone's generosity, and to our friend Purna and the Trimurti community for inviting Robert into their community and making this very generous commitment to Robert's recovery.
Love and blessings to everyone,
Fleet & Lola
Supporting Robert Maull's Recovery
Our son, Robert Maull, was the victim of a brutal assault on February 28, 2008 in Cusco, Peru. Robert remained in a coma for the first six days. He is now able to talk and has all physical movement, but remains sedated in the ICU unit for his own protection, because his brain function is still very confused and he doesn't know where he is or why he needs to remain in the ICU and in bed. Robert suffered severe head injuries including two skull fractures, two brain contusions, a subdural hematoma, brain edema, and defuse brain lesions.
Robert's medical expenses alone (not including legal bills and his father's travel expenses) have already reached $15,000 (as of March 12th) and are continuing at a rate of about $350 - $500 per day. We do not know how much longer Robert will need to remain in the ICU or the hospital, but it could be several months.
We have set up this website for Robert's family and friends who would like to contribute a Medical Fund for Robert's care, follow Robert's progress and enjoy Robert's art. We sincerely appreciate all the concern, support, prayers and strong intention for Robert's recovery expressed by so many of you already.
If you would like to donate to Robert's Medical Fund, you can use the Chip-In feature at right which involves a PayPal transaction. This will not be a tax deductible donation.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please email me at: and I will send you the information on how to make a donation to a Community Foundation that will accept donations on Robert's behalf.
With love and appreciation,
Fleet Maull and Lola Solis de Maull (Robert's Parents)
Robert's medical expenses alone (not including legal bills and his father's travel expenses) have already reached $15,000 (as of March 12th) and are continuing at a rate of about $350 - $500 per day. We do not know how much longer Robert will need to remain in the ICU or the hospital, but it could be several months.
We have set up this website for Robert's family and friends who would like to contribute a Medical Fund for Robert's care, follow Robert's progress and enjoy Robert's art. We sincerely appreciate all the concern, support, prayers and strong intention for Robert's recovery expressed by so many of you already.
If you would like to donate to Robert's Medical Fund, you can use the Chip-In feature at right which involves a PayPal transaction. This will not be a tax deductible donation.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please email me at: and I will send you the information on how to make a donation to a Community Foundation that will accept donations on Robert's behalf.
With love and appreciation,
Fleet Maull and Lola Solis de Maull (Robert's Parents)