Supporting Robert Maull's Recovery

Our son, Robert Maull, was the victim of a brutal assault on February 28, 2008 in Cusco, Peru. Robert remained in a coma for the first six days. He is now able to talk and has all physical movement, but remains sedated in the ICU unit for his own protection, because his brain function is still very confused and he doesn't know where he is or why he needs to remain in the ICU and in bed. Robert suffered severe head injuries including two skull fractures, two brain contusions, a subdural hematoma, brain edema, and defuse brain lesions.

Robert's medical expenses alone (not including legal bills and his father's travel expenses) have already reached $15,000 (as of March 12th) and are continuing at a rate of about $350 - $500 per day. We do not know how much longer Robert will need to remain in the ICU or the hospital, but it could be several months.

We have set up this website for Robert's family and friends who would like to contribute a Medical Fund for Robert's care, follow Robert's progress and enjoy Robert's art. We sincerely appreciate all the concern, support, prayers and strong intention for Robert's recovery expressed by so many of you already.

If you would like to donate to Robert's Medical Fund, you can use the Chip-In feature at right which involves a PayPal transaction. This will not be a tax deductible donation.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please email me at: and I will send you the information on how to make a donation to a Community Foundation that will accept donations on Robert's behalf.

With love and appreciation,
Fleet Maull and Lola Solis de Maull (Robert's Parents)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Update on Robert's condition

Dear Friends and Family,
I spoke with Robert by phone yesterday. It was a bit difficult to understand him due to the phone connection and to his sedation, but he sounded better. He new I had been there with him and wanted to know when I would be back. I spoke with Lola today. She said that Robert is doing better each day, but that they are still keeping him very sedated. She also relayed that the medical clinic where Robert is now wants him transferred to another facility. I called one of the doctors at the clinic and he told me they feel Robert's injuries have healed but that he is still suffering from psychiatric/psychological problems not related to the injuries but possibly caused by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He also stated that they don't have the kind of room or staffing to handle a patient in Robert's condition. I asked him if they had done another CT-Scan since the last one on March 4th. They hadn't. I asked him how they knew Robert's brain injuries had healed without doing a CT-Scan. He didn't have a good answer, but agreed to have another CT-Scan done right away. My sense is they just want to get rid of someone they perceive as a difficult patient. I asked him when the last incident of agitated behavior had taken place. He thought it was Saturday. Lola tells me she feels Robert is more relaxed and understanding and accepting of his situation each day. The problem with transferring Robert is finding an appropriate facility. They are suggesting a mental institution in Cusco, which we hear is an awful place. There may be no appropriate facility in Cusco. We are looking into Lima, but I believe the answer is bringing Robert back to the U.S. as soon as possible. I am researching Medicaid and Victims of Crime Compensation programs trying to find a way to financially support Robert's care here in Colorado. The clinic wants to move Robert right away, so this is a very disturbing situation. The good news is that Robert is improving; at least, it appears that way to his mom, Lola. Please keep Robert in your thoughts, prayers and meditation practice. Robert's mom and I appreciate all of your concern and support more than you could imagine.
Very best,
Fleet Maull

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